Comments, Suggestions & Complaints

At Healthside Pharmacy we welcome your comments and suggestions. We aim to give you the highest standards of customer care and service. Should you have any complaints about our services or products please speak to our pharmacist. We operate a formal complaints procedure which is part of the NHS system for dealing with complaints.

Please use the form below to inform us of any complaint or to report an incident. We will carefully investigate the reported issue and reply back with the outcome of our investigation.

You can also get advice from the local Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). PALS is not part of the complaints procedure itself, but they might be able to resolve your concerns informally or can tell you more about the complaints procedure and independent complaint advocacy services.

Please visit the NHS Website for more information about how to make a complaint on an NHS Service received from us or from any other NHS organisation.

  • Pharmacy First

    Save time and avoid waiting to see a GP.
    If you have a minor ailment think Pharmacy First and speak to our pharmacist. Patients can access quicker and more convenient care, including the supply of appropriate medicines for minor illness.

    More details
  • Flu Vaccination

    We offer flu vaccine both private and NHS funded. If you are 50 and over, have certain medical conditions or you are a front line healthcare staff, you can get your flu vaccine under the NHS flu vaccination program. No appointment required as it is a walk in service.

    More details
  • Opening Hours

    • Monday to Friday
      9:00 - 18:30
    • Saturday
      9:00 - 17:00
    • Sunday

    If we are closed, you can get health advice, information and details of other local health services from the NHS Website or call NHS 111 Service which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.